Menhaden is a tiny fish with a big impact on the ecosystem. Because of recent overfishing, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission recommended a change in the amount of catch allowed this year …
Target to Sell Only Sustainable Traceable Fish by 2015
Discount retailer Target announced they will sell only sustainable, traceable fish by 2015. Target will work with FishWise, a nonprofit marine conservation group, to find out where the seafood comes …
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Glines Canyon Dam Removal (Video)
The Glines Canyon Dam is coming down. The dam has been blocking the natural water flow of the Elwha River and salmon migration route for a century. The Elwha River runs through Olympic National Park. …
Another Pacific Salmon Found with Infectious Salmon Anemia
A third Pacific salmon has been found with infectious salmon anemia. Until the recent finding of two wild Pacific salmon with infectious salmon anemia, the virus has only been found in the Atlantic …
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Aral Sea Fisheries Return
A dike built to separate the Northern Aral Sea from the Southern Aral Sea has restored enough of the ecosystem that the fisheries have rebounded. There's still a long way to go, but it's a good …
Feast and Famine in the Great Lakes
The ecology of the Great Lakes has been struggling for many years. Parts of them are dead and others are dying. “Feast and Famine in the Great Lakes” examines the reasons why. A new report …
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