Grand Canyon National Park is enacting a bottled water ban. Sales of bottled water within the park will cease in the next thirty days. The policy was put into place after a careful assessment of the …
The Real Cost of Flying
What is the real cost of flying? Between the plastic baggies, plastic travel size bottles of sundries, and bottled water (more plastic, which often ends up in the oceans and on our beaches), how much …
Coca-Cola in the National Park System
When the National Park Service (NPS) decided to ban the sale of bottled water at concessions in the Grand Canyon, it was hailed as a smart way to reduce solid waste in the park. But according to a …
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EU Says Water Does Not Prevent Dehydration
In a ruling last week, European Union (EU) officials announced that there is no proof that water prevents dehydration. The ruling means that manufacturers who sell bottled water in the EU are not …
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The Hazards of Bottled Water and What You Can Do
If you're a regular reader here, you know that we are not fans of bottled water. This infographic sums up several the major issues with bottled water, and we've got some tips to help you kick the …
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The Dirty Truth About Bottled Water
This is a guest post by Krish Jagirdar at Fresh, pure, premium, and safe might be some of the words that come to mind when we think about bottled water. But the question …
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