U.S. bottled water sales in 2011 broke the record for sales in 2007, the previous record-holder. In 2011, 9.1 billion gallons of bottled water were sold in the U.S., topping the 8.8billion gallons sold in 2007.
Overall beverage sales dropped during 2008 and 2009 because of the lagging economy, but picked up in 2011 by about 0.9% over 2010. Bottled water sales also dropped during the recession, but the increase in 2011 was 4.1% – five times as fast as all beverages and twice the amount the economy increased.
The sales increase is surprising because of the many initiatives against bottled water. It’s been banned in national parks, college campuses, and even entire cities. Still, many people believe that bottled water is healthier than tap water. The convenience is also listed as a prime reason people buy bottled water.
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