During one of the worst oil spill disasters in our history, a rapid response team of marine conservation experts, the Blue Seals, has been barred from documenting the effects of the deepwater oil spill by BP and US government officials.
According to the Blue Seals, their efforts have been hampered by a “virtual oil curtain” set up by British Petroleum and officials in the US government, which is limiting the group’s access to the marine areas affected by the spill under the pretext of “safety concerns”.
The Blue Seals, under the leadership of ocean activist Peter Jay Brown, have been trying to document the effects of the massive oil spill on the fragile habitats of marine birds and other animals, but Brown says “Our services were rejected as expected.”
“It is obvious that BP does not want pictures of dead animals. BP has been very successful so far in controlling the story. Government officials and the bird group do their best to talk privately, and when they return at night, it is all very secretive.” – Peter Jay Brown
The group’s campaign includes ground and aerial reconnaissance of the spill to help raise awareness of this immense national marine crisis. The Blue Seals also hope to help in the rescue of wildlife that has been impacted by the oil spill. According to the group, every minute that goes by, 150 to 400 gallons of crude oil are spilling into the Gulf of Mexico’s fragile marine ecosystems and estuaries. The spillage is killing vast quantities of marine mammals, seabirds, and fish, along with contaminating wildlife refuges and taking a toll on the fishing industry all along the Gulf Coast.
The Blue Seals is inspired by the Sea Shepherd (known to many for its TV series Whale Wars) and its intrepid leader Captain Paul Watson. The group intends to film the widespread devastation caused by the deepwater spill, with the intent of raising awareness and motivating citizens to take action.
“The Blue Seals urge that the American public take a strong stand against offshore drilling along our nation’s coasts.” – Lawrence Mortorff, CEO of Blue Seals
The Blue Seals is a division of the non-profit organization Blue Rage Films, and embraces the mission that healthy oceans are essential for our collective survival. The Blue Seals is a globally active network that was formed to be a rapid response force to environmental emergencies, and to bring together conservation activists.
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