Jell-O may be used to kill off non-native trout in Yellowstone National Park. Yes … I said Jell-O. Illegally introduced into the park, lake trout heavily threatens the native cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake. Something the park service has been contending with since 1994.
I’m trying to picture a Bill Cosby commercial for this.
The biggest threat posed by the lake trout is its longevity. Compared to cutthroat trout, a lake trout can live up to three-times longer. In addition, lake trout outweigh cutthroat trout by about 15 pounds. Once a lake trout reaches 4 years of age, it starts eating cutthroat trout. A few years later, it lives off of cutthroat trout almost exclusively.
But Jell-O isn’t the only consideration for removing the trout. Sorry Bill, no commercial deal just yet. Other possibilities include ultrasound, microwaves and electroshock.
Seriously? Am I the only one who thinks this sounds like a movie starring some SNL alumni?
If “death by Jell-O” is chosen, it will be spread over the fish eggs to smother them. Most likely this will be done during late fall which is the fish’s spawning season.
I have to say that is one un-honorable death; it’s Darwin Award worthy. But I have to ask, if Jell-O is chosen then why not use a pectin based product? Does it have to be gelatin-based?
The researcher–Al Zale–received a grant from the National Park Service and heads the Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit at Montana State University. Zale and his team will continue to analyze different solutions and recommend the best one.
In case you were wondering, the Jell-O would probably be unflavored.
This story was originally published at Care2.
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